Can you visualize the beauty and complexity of your body with these thoughts? 

ANALYTICALLY – you have 31 pairs of spinal nerves, 8 pairs of cervical nerves, 12 cranial nerves, your heart beats 60-100 times a minute, & you breathe 10-16 times a minute.  Your spine is a magnificent, complex system of bones, nerves, discs, rotation, & strength.  Breath is connected to the spine at your true ribs (the first through seventh).  A large, very important nerve, the vagus nerve, runs from the brain through the thorax to your abdomen, helping with relaxation. 

THROUGH YOUR SENSES – skin & muscle, breathe & visualization you may feel a rest & relax state.  Try to access your relaxation, or healing state through acupressure, reiki, or cranial sacral therapy.

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